Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

Has it really been almost a month since my last post? Time sure does fly with a little one around!

Caroline is doing great! We took a many-legged road trip for Thanksgiving. First, we drove to my parents' place in East Texas for T-day. We had a great time, with lots of food! Caroline spent the entire meal asleep in her swing, but she got turkey and pie vicariously a few hours later!

That night, we drove up to Jimmy's parents' house near Fort Worth and were treated to ANOTHER Thanksgiving meal the next day along with a few of their friends who were really excited to meet Caroline. She got passed around a lot that evening, and I think she got pretty over stimulated because bedtime was an absolute nightmare that night. But she did eventually go to sleep and was in a great mood the next day.

The in-laws' house also has the benefit of Cousin Megan, who is 12 years old. Anna idolizes her, and she got to have TWO sleepovers with her -- one at Grandma's house, and one at Megan's house. Anna couldn't have asked for more!

Saturday, we drove from Fort Worth to College Station for a wedding. We gave ourselves plenty of time (we thought), but then we discovered that I-35 was completely shut down between Hillsboro and Waco. Since Caroline wakes up and screams whenever we stop moving in the car, she did a good bit of screaming during the delay. I felt so bad for her! Anyway, what should have been a 3-hour drive ended up taking almost 4.5 hours, and we got to the wedding with no time to spare. But at least we got there! There were tons of kids there, so Anna had a lot of fun. Caroline did great and was very smiley and flirty while she was being passed around at the wedding.

All-in-all, it was a great holiday week, but we're definitely glad to be home. Traveling with a baby is stressful, no matter how well it goes, and it felt amazing to be back in our own bed when we got home.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Okay, so I'm a little late with the Halloween post!

We went trick-or-treating with my friends Gayla and Michelle and their kids. Anna went as a witch this year, and we decided that Caroline should be her little black cat. They were both adorable, and we had a great time.

Here are a few pictures of our crew.

The group picture is, from left to right, Hans and Gunnar (Gunnar is 3 weeks older and 5 pounds heavier than Caroline -- and they're betrothed, LOL!), Anna, Riley, Jimmy and Caroline, and Gayla with her twins, Ryan and Evan.

Here is a picture of Anna and Caroline together. Aren't they cute?

And here is a picture of Caroline and her "boyfriend", Gunnar.

Gunnar is quite possibly the most laid-back baby I've ever met. His parents can put him on the couch, and he'll sit there just staring at the ceiling fan, happy as a lark. Caroline lasts approximately 15 seconds (give or take 15 seconds!) before she's screaming to be picked up. We do not grow laid-back babies in our family, apparently!

As a further update, Caroline seems to have turned a corner over the last couple of weeks. She has gotten much less fussy, and she's going longer between feedings. I still wouldn't call her an "easy" baby, but she's definitely doing a lot more smiling and cooing lately, and she usually gives me 2.5-3 hours between feedings, compared to the previous 1.5-2 hours. She's also eating faster, so I can now usually feed her in around 30 minutes compared to the 45+ minutes it was taking before.

Unfortunately, with this kinder, gentler daytime personality has come a much more difficult time getting her to sleep at night. Bedtime has now stretched out to an hour or more of nursing her into a coma, followed by very carefully placing her in her cradle to avoid waking her. If she wakes up, we have to start all over again. For a while, she was also waking every 2-3 hours again at night, and that got old REALLY fast! But over the last few nights, she's gone back to her 5-6 hour stretches, so at least we're making some progress there. I could probably guarantee myself 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep if I'd let her sleep in her swing at night (she LOVES her swing!), but I'm really trying to get her to sleep on a flat surface for at least part of the day. Hopefully she'll grow to love her bed the way she loves her swing. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...right. But it's a nice thought!

Caroline is also lifting and holding her head up very well these days.

Anna adores her baby sister, and the feeling appears to be mutual. Look at those precious smiles!