Saturday, July 5, 2008


First of all, yes, I'm a deadbeat blogger. I've been meaning to post an update for over a month, but our digital camera has been MIA, and I kept thinking I'd find it and post some pictures. No such luck. I have no idea where it is. We finally ended up getting a new one, so I'll have some pictures to share soon!

Anyway, Caroline is still fabulous. Now that Anna is out of school, we've been doing swimming lessons and other summer activities with our friends. Anna is a little fish this year, and Caroline is also doing great! She loves the water and even holds her breath to put her "eyes in the water", as her teacher has us do in class. She's also a great leg kicker, and she likes to float on her back with her cheek next to mine.

Caroline's latest trick is crawling. Yes, she FINALLY figured out how to put one knee in front of the other! She's been on the verge for months, but last Saturday, I put her on the floor in the living room, and when I looked up, she had crawled across the room! So when she did it, she did it big! Since then, she's been all over the place and is also starting to pull up on furniture. Nothing is safe. We're going to have to get some baby gates up this week because I'm sure it's just a matter of time before she discovers the stairs!

We're currently spending the 4th of July weekend with Jimmy's parents. We spent most of yesterday hanging out with friends and swimming in the pool, which Caroline loved. Then we went to Aunt Tammy and Uncle Mark's house to watch fireworks. Caroline LOVED them! We were very close to where they were being set off, so they were pretty loud, but she never even looked scared. She just stared at them and said, "Oh! Oh!" At one point, she decided they were much prettier upside down, so she spent several minutes lying on my lap and hanging her head down between my knees. After that, she started giggling every time a firework went off. She was absolutely in hysterics by the time it was over, and so were we! It was way more entertaining to watch her react to them than to actually watch the fireworks!

After the fireworks, we waited for Daddy and Anna to play a little Guitar Hero, and while we were waiting, Caroline and I had a little "voice lesson". I would sing a scale or arpeggio, and she would sing, "la la la la" and then clap for herself. Then I'd sing some more, and she'd do it again. I just love it that she likes to sing! Pretty soon, we'll have a little family quartet thing going on!

I'm also remiss in getting her 9 month portraits taken. Between some unexpected expenses and a lack of time, I just haven't gotten in to have them taken. At this point, she's 10 1/2 months old, so I'm not sure if it's worth it, or if I should just wait for her one-year pictures instead. I'll probably play around with the camera this week and see if I can get some good snapshots and then just take her in next month when she's a year old.