Sunday, August 17, 2008

And a few more!

I couldn't fit all the pictures in one post, so here are the rest of them!

New pictures!

In addition to the birthday party, I had birthday pictures taken last week. I figured it was good timing, since Caroline was about to turn one, and Anna will be seven next month. When we started taking pictures, it became very clear that Caroline will no longer just sit where you put her and smile. The minute I set her down, she always started crawling toward the camera, so after a few failed attempts, we just went for the action shots a lot of the time. Despite the challenges, we got some GREAT shots, and the pictures turned out really cute. Aren't my girls gorgeous?

One year ago today...

I gave birth to one of the two most beautiful babies in the world. Caroline is one year old today!

The last year has absolutely flown by. Caroline has grown and changed and developed such a cute little personality! She is pulling up and cruising the furniture now, and while she isn't walking yet, she can crawl at lightning speed! I just can't believe how big she has gotten.

I haven't measured Caroline's height recently, but I weighed her the other day, and she's almost 21 pounds. Not bad for a baby who started out almost 9 pounds and then dropped a pound and a half in the first two weeks! Looking back on all the challenges we had with nursing in the beginning, everything is sort of a haze, but I'm so glad we stuck with it. She grew big and strong on mama milk over the last year, and now I plan to slowly wean her down to just morning and evening nursing for the next year or so. She also eats about twice her body weight in regular food every day. I think she must have a hollow leg or something because she LOVES to eat!

Anyway, for her first birthday, I decided Caroline should have a princess party, and I made a cake. For those who know me well, this may come as a surprise, since I do NOT COOK! But I do a decent job of baking most of the time, and I did use a mix! Anyway, I bought a pan in the shape of a crown last week, along with some icing coloring so that I could tint the icing pink and purple. Thursday night, I went to frost the cake, and, since I wanted it tinted a soft baby pink, I barely tipped the container of coloring. PLOP! It still didn't look like that much, and in retrospect, I probably should have scooped some back out, but did I think of that at the time? Noooooo. Instead, I started stirring. And stirring. The more I stirred, the pinker it got. Wow, that's PINK! So I added another jar of white icing to dilute the pink.

I still ended up with what has got to be the pinkest cake in the history of cakes. It can be seen from outer space. It emits an aura that gives everything in the house a rosy glow (great for the complexion, BTW -- who needs pink light bulbs when you have the radioactive glow of the birthday cake?). And it stains everything it touches. My cutting board and mixing bowl will never be the same. Fortunately, it didn't stain the baby!

So, ladies and gentlemen, I give to you The Cake. You may want to avert your eyes, or at least wear sunglasses while looking at it:

Caroline was pretty excited about the VeryPink cake:

But when we actually gave her a piece, she just sort of picked at it a little bit and eventually used some of the icing to finger paint on her tummy. It's a good thing babies are washable!

Here are some pictures of Caroline playing with some of her new toys.

The baby doll that Nanny gave her:

And the activity garden play set that Jimmy and I gave her. She loves it!

And here she is giving her big sister, Anna, a big kiss! What a sweet girl!

More to come....