Thursday, June 14, 2007

31 weeks

Well, I had a midwife visit this morning. All was well and boring. True to form, Caroline kicked the Doppler several times when we tried to get a heart rate, and she was doing all sorts of acrobatics during the appointment. She's measuring perfectly, I've gained 2 pounds in the last 2 weeks (right on schedule), and my BP was great. My next appointment is in 2 weeks, and I'll officially meet the OB who backs up Karen in the event of an emergency. I've met her a couple of times in the hall during my appointments, and she seems very nice and laid back, so I'm sure it will be a pleasant visit.

According to, Caroline is about 16 inches and weighs a little over 3 pounds. They also say "she's probably moving a lot, too." They have no idea! She's just a constant wiggle worm, and I love to feel her bounce and kick and roll in there. Well, I mostly love it. Occasionally, she'll decide she needs to stretch her legs a bit, or that she's just not comfortable on THIS side, so she needs to flip to THAT side RIGHT NOW, and that can really HURT! I've also noticed that, depending on her position, I'm feeling a bit more out of breath some days than others. Some days she's so far up in my ribs that I can barely get a full breath. Last night at choir, I had to stand for the entire rehearsal because 1) I couldn't take a deep breath while sitting, and 2) when I did sit, Caroline started attacking the waist band of my pants. Apparently, she's not fond of the pressure!

I had some maternity portraits taken over the weekend, and I'm very pleased with how they turned out. We ended up ordering one traditional family portrait as well as four others that showed my bare belly. This is apparently scandalous to my admittedly old-fashioned mother (Hi Mom!), but I think they're nice. I'm usually not one to show my bare middle (I don't exactly have washboard abs, even on a skinny day!), but I think pregnant tummies are beautiful, and I wanted to be sure to capture this one, especially since this may be my last baby! The studio was fabulous. We got some sweet pictures of Jimmy and Anna hugging/kissing the "baby" individually, and we got a great family shot with the three of us. We should be getting the prints in the next few days, so I'll scan and post them when I get them.

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