Tuesday, September 18, 2007

More pictures!

Caroline is already a month old! I can't believe how fast time has gone. Between all of the constant attention that Caroline requires, plus trying to spend time with Anna and getting us all used to the kindergarten routine, the last four weeks have just flown by!

Caroline is still having some nursing issues, but there has definitely been improvement. It seems to be a two steps forward, one step back situation, though, so I'll be really encouraged and optimistic one day, and then the next I get worried again. We have finally gotten to the point that we can actually leave the house for short periods, and that has improved my mood considerably. Caroline has also finally made it back up to her birth weight, which is good. She's still pretty scrawny, but she's gaining consistently, which is the most important thing.

Other than that, she is absolutely fabulous! She's a very snuggly baby, which I love, but she's also a better napper than Big Sister was at this age. Over the last week or so, Caroline has started to smile and occasionally coo. She's always been very alert and observant, but lately she's starting to focus a lot more on her surroundings and really notice things. She loves lights, and she also likes to stare at the mobile on her swing. During her awake times, she'll just stare at me and smile, and when she gives me a really big smile, she wrinkles up her little nose. It's adorable!

So here are a few pictures. We haven't gotten a good picture of the smile yet, but we've gotten a couple of *almost* smiles!

Here's the tail end of a smile. The camera just isn't fast enough to catch them yet!

Some pics of bath time. At first, she hated baths, but she has changed her opinion in the last week or so.

Here she is, hanging out with Daddy. She already has him wrapped around her very tiny finger, just like her big sister. Daddy is in SO MUCH TROUBLE now that he's outnumbered 3 to 1!

And finally, just a picture of a happy baby.

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