Thursday, October 18, 2007


Today, I took Caroline to get her first portraits taken. I was feeling kind of guilty because I hadn't done it yet. I had Anna's done every month for the first year (the cheapy ones -- Wal-mart and Penney's, mostly), but with all the nursing issues we had early on, I just didn't have the time to go to a portrait studio and wait around with a cranky baby.

So anyway, I decided to go to a nicer studio to make up for not getting the pictures done every month. I'm so glad I did! I made an appointment for 9:00 a.m. and hoped for the best. Caroline is usually in a pretty good mood in the mornings, so I figured we might get one or two good smiles before Her Royal Highness decided she was done with the portrait thing. Fortunately, she was in a GREAT mood and was very smiley for the camera. At one point, the photographer had a highchair set up backwards with Caroline propped up on her elbows with her head up. Caroline thought that was the greatest thing, and she smiled and cooed and stuck out her tongue. The photographer and I were just cracking up!

So here are Caroline's first portraits. We got a few in her cute fall outfit, and then I got some naked baby pictures because you just HAVE to capture all that naked cuteness while they're little!

Here are a couple in her fall outfit. I'm into the brown and pink thing right now, and I just thought this jumper with the striped shirt underneath was adorable! Unfortunately, I had forgotten that overalls are a pain to photograph (the straps are always going all wonky and riding up and stuff), but I'll remember from now on! Even with the strap issues, though, they turned out really cute, and I still love the outfit!

These are the ones where she was so happy to be up on her elbows. If you can't see the tongue sticking out in the last picture, click on it to see it larger. It's a classic Caroline face!

And here's a classic pose that I just couldn't resist. Just look at that grin!

I actually got out of the studio for less $$ than I thought I would, given all the pictures I bought. The photographer took 100 pictures (yes, that's ONE HUNDRED pictures!), and I managed to eventually narrow it down to 8 poses, plus they threw in a couple of composite pictures and a CD with all 100 pictures on it. I was very impressed with the studio and the photographer, so we'll definitely be going back! Now I just need to find a time to take Anna and Caroline in together so I can get some sister pics!