Thursday, January 17, 2008

Five Months Old!

Today, Caroline is officially five months old. And what a difference a few months make! Looking back on all we went through the first couple of months trying to get the breastfeeding started, I'm really amazed at how far we've come. Caroline has gone from her birth weight of 8 lb. 14 oz. to a low of 7 lb. 8 oz. to a current weight of 16 lb! And that's all on Mama's milk! Woo-hoo!

I was looking through some pictures of her the other night, and I was amazed at how skinny she was. Here's a picture of her when she was around a month old. She was so scrawny!

And here she is with Anna recently. Don't you just want to nibble on those fat little cheeks?

Developmentally, she's doing very well, too. She's still only rolling front to back, but she's working on the back to front thing as well. She can get herself over onto her side from her back, but she can't quite figure out how to get all the way over. I'm sure it will be soon, though! She still loves to stand and bounce, and she enjoys her Jumparoo and her new exersaucer that has lots of spinny, boingy, flippy things on it. She's really showing an interest in toys lately, too, and she grabs and manipulates them pretty well now. She also has learned to spin herself around on her belly pretty well, so if I put a toy just out of her reach on one side, she'll turn herself so that she's facing it. It would appear that we need to start thinking about babyproofing, since she's showing the first signs of becoming mobile!

Unfortunately, one thing that is NOT going well is the sleeping. I've never met such an unsleeping baby! She'll go down for the night fairly easily, but she's up every hour or two until I finally give in and bring her to bed with me, usually around 4 a.m. I don't mind her sleeping with us for a couple of hours in the morning or something, but I refuse to do the all-night co-sleeping thing. For one thing, it's just uncomfortable for me, since she wants to be nursing All Night Long when she's in bed with me. Unfortunately, that means a LOT of getting up and nursing back to sleep, so I'm not getting much sleep, either. She does nap during the day in the swing, but with Anna's school schedule, etc., I've had to wake her up from every single nap over the last 3 days. She's probably overtired (she's been EXTREMELY cranky the last couple of days), which might explain some of the night sleeping problems, but I don't know what to do about it, since I can't very well let my six year old hang out at school for an hour while I let the baby finish her nap! So I'm going to have to think on it and come up with a solution. Somehow.

In other news, Anna won an art contest at school today. She drew a cowboy for the rodeo contest, and she won first place in her class! I think they'll send her picture on for judging against all the winners now, and if she wins again, she'll get a ticket to the rodeo. I haven't seen the picture yet, but as soon as we get it back, I'll be sure to post it here!

The school has also been putting an emphasis on showing character (which they define as "how you act when you think no one is looking") over the last few weeks, and the kids can earn "character tickets" for doing nice things for people and being considerate. Anna has won more character tickets than anyone else in her class! I think the tickets are entered into a drawing at some point, but I'm not sure what the prize is. It sure does make a mommy proud to know that her baby is doing sweet things for people without being asked. She sure is a great kid! And I am a very blessed and lucky mommy!

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