Monday, January 29, 2007

A letter to Baby

Dear Baby,

You are SO grounded. No television for a month after you're born. Well, unless you happen to like Baby Einstein as much as your big sister did, in which case I might make an exception so I can get an occasional break. But definitely no video games.

I know you're working really hard to grow big and strong, and I'm sure you're not very concerned with what is going on in the big, cold world outside. I must point out, however, that you would probably have an easier time if you would allow Mommy to actually EAT something occasionally.

Yes, the wonderful midwife has given me Zofran, but Baby, that medication is expensive, and it really doesn't amuse Mommy that you made me so sick after missing just a couple of pills when I ran out the other day. It's really not fair for your big sister, Anna, to have to set Mommy up on the couch with a big bowl, a towel, and a hair scrunchie, so that I wouldn't have to run to the bathroom again.

Just in case you haven't read the Official Pregnancy Memo, this "morning sickness" (and whatever MAN named it that was an idiot -- it's All Freaking Day Long Sickness!) is supposed to go away at the end of the first trimester. That would be...right about now. Just so you know.

So please, Baby, won't you give Mommy a break here? I'm not asking for much. Just a little variety to my diet. Clementine oranges are getting old fast, and if I never see another popsicle, it will be too soon.



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