Monday, March 5, 2007

17 Weeks...

...and craving peaches. I want nothing more than a nice, sweet, juicy peach. The kind that is soft and ripe, and the juice just runs down your chin when you bite into it. Or a nectarine. Unfortunately, both are out of season right now. I've made a noble effort, but every peach/nectarine I've bought has either been hard as a rock or spongy and dry inside. They should be in season in another couple of months, at which point I'm sure I'll stop craving them! Such is the life of the pregnant woman craving fruit in the winter, I guess.

Other than that, everything seems to be going as expected. Baby has been kicking more consitently over the last week or so, and I think it won't be long until it can be felt on the outside, too.

We still have about 2 1/2 weeks before our ultrasound, and I'm just DYING to know whether this is a boy or a girl. I knew Anna was a girl from the beginning. I don't know *why* I knew, but I knew. I have absolutely no intuition about this baby. None. I've flip-flopped back and forth several times -- I initially thought girl, then boy, then girl, then I wasn't sure, then I had several dreams (some boy, some girl, some just plain bizarre!), and now I'm not sure again. I have a feeling it's going to be a loooooooong two weeks!

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