Monday, February 18, 2008

Official Stats

Caroline went to the doctor yesterday, and we have the new official stats. She is 17 pounds even, which is 75th percentile for weight, and she's 27 1/4 inches long, which is 90th percentile for height, according to the doctor's charts, which are based on formula-fed babies. According to my WHO chart based on breastfed babies, she's in about the 65th percentile for weight and the 97th for height! She's my tall, skinny girl!

Last night, we went to the Outback Steakhouse for Jimmy's birthday. Caroline was happy in her carseat for about 20 minutes, but after that, she wanted out, so I held her the rest of the meal. It was a big grab fest from then on out! First, she reached for my margarita, but I didn't want to share :-) Then she went for my water glass. I did let her have a little sip, but she didn't really know what to do after the water went into her mouth, so she just sort of let it dribble down her chin. Next, she reached for the steak knife. I don't think so! Finally, I decided to let her play with one of those cardboard coasters, figuring it was pretty harmless. Well, she managed to bite off a small chunk of the corner and swallow it! Yikes! But given her reaction to that compared to the rice cereal we've given her the last several nights, I'd say that cardboard must have tasted better!

When we got home, we tried some bananas, and those were definitely more popular than the cereal or the avocado I've given her the last couple of nights. She kept sticking out her tongue and trying to lick the spoon, but she hasn't quite figured out that she needs to open her mouth so we can spoon the food in. I think she got a couple of decent bites into her, though, and she held off on blowing raspberries until after she had swallowed the last little bit, so last night's dinner was a much cleaner affair than the one before!

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