Sunday, February 17, 2008

What a cutie!

Wow, three updates in less than a week! I'm on a roll!

I told Jimmy several days ago that Caroline seems to be a little quieter than Anna was at this age. Anna babbled NONSTOP, and honestly, she hasn't shut up for a single moment since she was Caroline's age! So the other day, I commented on how Caroline just doesn't babble like Anna did.

Apparently Caroline heard me and decided she could NOT be outdone by Big Sister! Over the last two days, she has been doing a lot more babbling. Today in Sunday school, she had everyone in stitches because she talked and laughed and blew raspberries the whole time. Then we went out to lunch after church, and she embarked on a one-sided dialogue that was almost embarrassing in its volume. She's saying lots of "buh" and "bah" and "mah" sounds (yes, I've even heard a couple of Mamas in there, but Jimmy refuses to let them "count"!), and she peppers her "speech" with lots of squeals and squeaks. It's hilarious.

She also learned a new trick at dinner tonight. I tried to feed her some avocado, which was not exactly a hit. After a couple of bites, she decided that thrusting the green mess out with her tongue was not efficient enough, so she decided to try blowing a raspberry instead. So with each bite, she would wait until I pulled the spoon away from her mouth, and then....pphhhhhhbbbbbbttttttt! Green slime all over the place! I have to give her credit for coming up with it so quickly. I think it took Anna at least a month of eating solids before she figured out that trick!

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