Thursday, January 25, 2007

Midwife Visit 1-25-07

Today was my second visit with my midwife, Karen. I chose a midwife this time because I really want to do everything possible to have a natural childbirth. Karen delivers at the hospital and works with a team of OBs who will back her up if needed, so there will be doctors available immediately in the small chance of an emergency.

Our first visit included an ultrasound, and I wasn't really expecting another one today because at 11 weeks, it's usually possible to pick up the baby's heartbeat with a Doppler. Karen had trouble locating the baby's heartbeat with the Doppler, so she sent us in for a quick peek with an ultrasound. The baby is doing great. S/he was dancing around and waving at us, and the heart rate was 165. My placenta is anterior, which means it's in the front and muffling the baby's heartbeat right now. We should be able to hear it next time with no problem!

Anna was very excited to see the baby, and she also got to hold a little rubber baby that represented a 10-week-old fetus. She thought it was really neat to see how big our baby is right now and actually get to hold it in her hand!

I'm attaching ultrasound pictures from my first and second ultrasound. I think the changes are amazing. At our first scan, the baby was 7 weeks and looked like a little fuzzy jelly bean. Now it looks more like a little gummy bear. You can see little hands and feet!

1 comment:

stephanie said...

Oh, yay!

I bet Anna's even more excited now that she got to see her sibling. :)