Friday, April 13, 2007

22.5 weeks

Well, I'm finally getting back to this week's update after typing for 20 minutes the other day, only to have a power surge wipe out every word I had written!

Not much happening this week in the way of appointments or anything. We're still undecided on names. says the baby is about 11 inches long this week and weighs close to a pound. I think our baby aspires to be a Radio City Music Hall Rockette because I'm feeling kicks and punches at the same time on completely opposite sides of my tummy. She's definitely getting bigger and stronger in there! It won't be long until we can sit around and watch my tummy change shapes before our eyes. Talk about cheap entertainment!

Anna finally felt the baby move this week! She came to my bedroom the other morning to wake me up. I was lying on my right side, and baby was kicking my left side pretty hard. She put her hand there, and her eyes got really wide when she felt the first kick! She got to feel 3 or 4, and she said it felt like a "big lump coming out of my tummy". She was so excited, we called Jimmy, who is now the only member of the family who hasn't felt the baby kick. Even our two cats, Albert and Clara, have been kicked a couple of times while lounging on my tummy. Both looked rather annoyed that their nice, soft resting place was moving around beneath them!

So, with a relative lack of baby news, let's go on to nursery news! Yesterday, Anna and I made a trip to Sherwin Williams for paint. I finally decided on two greens for the baby's room. They're called Spring Lawn and Apple Slice. The room has a chair rail all the way around, so the darker color (Spring Lawn) will go on the bottom, and the other will go on top. I can't wait to see how it turns out once the color is on the wall and all the bedding is displayed!

Meanwhile, I've attached some pictures of the future nursery as it is now so that you can fully appreciate the improvement when it's done. Until now, the room has been a dumping ground for all the baby stuff we haven't used in the last 5+ years (including 2 rocking chairs, a disassembled crib, and countless Rubbermaid containers of baby clothes), so there should definitely be a MAJOR change when things are cleaned up and painted. The current challenge is keeping the cats out of the room; particularly Albert, who thinks the glider rocker is his personal cat bed and manages to shed his black hair all over the cream cushion any time he comes within 10 feet of the thing. He also thinks the baskets in the closet are cozy resting places (and make great hiding spots!), but at least those have washable liners!

This is the corner nearest the door. We'll probably put the crib here. One thing I learned when Anna was a baby is that it's much easier to crack the door and spy on a baby when the bed is right next to the door! If they're across the room, they can see the door opening, and then it's all over!

This is the opposite corner where all of Anna's old clothes currently reside. I really need to go through them and get rid of a bunch of stuff, especially since it seems I can't help but buy more baby clothes whenever I see something cute on sale! And after six years, some of her old clothes are kind of out of style, anyway. Or at least, that's how I justify buying new stuff!

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