Monday, April 30, 2007

25 Weeks....

...and Caroline is definitely a dancer! We had our choir concert last night. We did the Mozart Requiem and Laudate Dominum, and Caroline kicked me the whole time! At one point, I looked down and saw my whole tummy moving almost in time to the music. This girl's got rhythm!

The nursery is coming along. The walls are painted, and the crib is...well, the crib is still in pieces, but at least all the pieces are in one corner of the room. I went through all the big Rubbermaid boxes full of clothes and found that I hadn't kept as many infant clothes as I thought, but since one kind friend (Hi Stephanie!) has given me all her girls' outgrown baby clothes, which should be close to the right seasons, I should be covered. I'm trying to go through the other boxes now and divide and label the toddler clothes by size so that when the time comes I can just send Jimmy to the attic to get "the 2T box" or whatever. There does seem to be a strange phenomenon where clothes that you are CERTAIN were put away clean and stain free magically develop stains while they sit in the attic for 5 years or so. It looks like I might have to bust out the Oxyclean and do a few overnight soaks to see if I can get out the mysterious stains before I wash the clothes.

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