Thursday, April 19, 2007

23 Week Midwife Visit

I saw my midwife, Karen, today. The appointment was fairly boring, just the way I like them at this point! Everything measured right on. Weight was good, blood pressure was good. We heard Caroline's heartbeat, but we couldn't get a heart rate because she kept kicking the Doppler and then doing all sorts of acrobatics to get away from it! That's fairly indicative of her behavior all the time, though. This child is ACTIVE! She's constantly kicking and stretching and flipping in there. I've even felt a few hiccups, I think. This could be another feisty baby, just like her big sister!

When I walked into the exam room today, I saw the Orange Bottle of Doom sitting on the counter. I'll be tested for gestational diabetes at my next appointment, so I have to take the glucola solution home and drink it before I go. The nurse tried to convince me that it tastes like orange Sunkist, but I happen to know from experience that she's full of crap! It tastes more like carbonated cough syrup to me. It is definitely not pleasant to drink -- especially since you have to down the entire bottle within 5-10 minutes! The good news is that I can at least chill it before my next appointment. When I had to do the 3-hour glucose tolerance test for my endocrinology workup last year, they gave it to me at room temperature, and that was truly hurl worthy. It is at least slightly better chilled.

We discussed the choroid plexus cyst today, and Karen agreed to make my followup ultrasound a level 2, which should show more detail. The cysts are not a cause for concern unless they are accompanied by heart, spine, intestine, or hand/foot abnormalities. The heart, spine, and intestines looked fine on the last ultrasound, but the hands and feet really can't be observed very well without a level 2. So we'll do that just for peace of mind. I'm still optimistic that the cyst will resolve on its own, and none of this will be an issue at all!

So there's today's update. I also finished filling out the paperwork to preregister at the hospital. After Anna managed to charm the pants off the three ladies working the registration desk (she told them ALL about her new baby sister!), we found out there was a bake sale near the gift shop. I don't know what the sale was supposed to benefit (and really, who cares? It's ALWAYS a good cause when there are brownies involved!), but Anna and I enjoyed a brownie before we came home. Yum!'

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