Thursday, July 19, 2007

36 Week Appointment

Okay. Deep breaths. I found out this morning that my midwife is going on vacation. For TWO WEEKS. She's taking her daughter to college in New York. She'll be back on August 7, and my due date is August 15. No problem, right? Tell me it's no problem. I don't WANT some random doctor delivering me. I want my midwife. So I guess I'd better hold off on all those home induction methods the "old wives" recommend for a while. No castor oil for me!

Oh, and not only that, but her backup OB is going to be out of town next week. So I couldn't even have HER deliver me if I go into labor next week. It would literally be a doctor I've never met before, and that just stresses me out a little bit. Also, as a result of both Karen and Dr. Reed being out of town next week, the OB office is completely booked, so I couldn't even get an appointment for my next visit until the following Monday, and that's with a doctor I haven't met yet. So while I should be going every week at this point, it will be about a week and a half before I can go back because they're all booked solid. What a day!

Other than that, my appointment went well. Caroline is still head down, and I'm still 1 cm dilated, so there's no reason to think that I'll be going into labor any time soon. Blood pressure was good. Caroline was very active as usual. The Group B Strep test they did last week came back negative, so I won't need to worry about antibiotics in labor.

After all that stress about Karen being out of town, I was very thankful I had booked a massage and a pedicure at the Aveda salon for this afternoon. Jimmy gave me a gift certificate for my birthday, and I figured I should use it now, since I won't get a chance for a while after the baby is born! It was very relaxing, and I'm glad I did it.

I also had a chiropractor appointment yesterday, and Dr. Wolff told me that everything is very well aligned and looking good. Hopefully when the time comes, Caroline will have a straight shot out of the barrel and won't make me labor for 32 hours like her big sister did!

Everything is pretty much ready for Caroline's arrival. The clothes and bedding are washed (though she probably won't use the bedding for a while, since we'll keep her in our room for at least the first couple of months), and I've ordered new hardware for the drawers on the dresser that will go in her room as well as the dresser that will go in Anna's room. Jimmy still needs to finish painting the one for Anna's room so that we can play musical furniture and get all of that worked out. Right now, all of the clean baby clothes are in a big Rubbermaid storage bin, and I'd really like to get a dresser in there so I can organize things a bit!

So there's this week's update. Kind of boring but not at the same time.

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