Monday, July 30, 2007

Another boring appointment

And I do mean boring. If the doctor hadn't checked me for dilation, there wouldn't even have been a point of her stepping foot in the room! The nurse weighed me, took my BP, and measured my tummy. Caroline has definitely dropped because I was measuring about the same this week as I was at my last appointment, a week and a half ago. Heart rate was in the 140s, and the nurse got a kick out of watching Caroline do her acrobatics trying to avoid the Doppler. Dr. Reed came in and checked me, and I'm "between one and two centimeters". So basically no change from last time. I'm still hoping Caroline will decide to wait until Karen gets back on the 7th before she decides to come, and it looks like the odds of that happening are pretty good. Then again, I was 2 cm three days before Anna was born, so I guess you never can tell.

I do think I'm doing some nesting, though. Jimmy finished painting Anna's dresser and moved it upstairs last night. We rearranged her room to accomodate the larger dresser and moved the other dresser/changing table into the baby's room. I got Anna's clothes all organized, and I filled up the drawers of the baby's dresser. But I still have SO many things that don't have a home up there! I have no idea where to store crib bedding, and all of the little gadgets (bouncy seat, swing, etc) are just sitting in the middle of the room, taking up space. I'll probably work on it some more tomorrow. I also need to get some pictures up on the walls and get Jimmy to hang up some of Anna's princess parephenalia now that we've moved her bed and gotten everything settled in her room.

Anna is spending the night at a friend's house tonight, so Jimmy and I went and saw the movie Hairspray, which was fabulous. It was nice to have some couple time, and we didn't even have to worry about what time we got home! Of course, I'm posting this at 11:00, so we obviously didn't take full advantage of our free time!

I'm also waiting on an update from my friend Michelle. She had an external cephalic version this morning, which is a procedure to turn a breech baby. They were fortunately able to turn it, so the doctor started pitocin to induce her around 10:30 this morning. As of 7:00 this evening, there was still no baby, but I'm hoping to get an announcement soon! Michelle was due a week before me, so this has been a big reality check for me. My baby will be here soon!

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