Sunday, August 5, 2007

I finally feel prepared!

Well, we finally got the dresser situation worked out, so I've been able to really work on Caroline's room over the past week. My mom also came to visit, and we went to Target and got some closet organizers for the vast amount of *stuff* that didn't fit into the dresser, etc. The nursery is finally finished, and I'm really proud of it!

So here are some pictures. First, the crib and bedding:

The dresser/changer:

The window on the wall opposite the crib:

Our wonderful Sunday school class gave us a wipes/bath stuff shower this morning, so in addition to all the diapers we got from the choir, I think it will be a nice, LOOOOOOONG time before we have to buy any wipes or baby wash/lotion. It's great to have that sort of thing taken care of so that we hopefully won't have to run out for those little last-minute things when we get the baby home.

Now that the nursery is done and my midwife will be back on Tuesday, I'm feeling VERY ready for this baby to be born! I had some contractions last night that felt a bit like the "real thing". They started in my back and worked their way around to my tummy, and they were kind of uncomfortable. That's pretty much how my labor with Anna started. They were fairly regular -- around 5-7 minutes apart and lasting about a minute each. But they fizzled out after a little while, which is good because I really want to make it until Tuesday! But after that, Caroline is welcome to come whenever she wants, and I will be using every non-medical method at my disposal to evict her from my uterus. I think I'm in for a lot of walking and squatting!

Here's a picture of me this afternoon in all my current ginormity:

Anna is also ready to meet her little sister. We got to go visit my friend, Michelle, the other day. She just had her baby boy last week, named Gunnar Eric. He is precious, and Anna is absolutely in love with him. She was thrilled to get to hold him. I think she's going to be a great big sister! Here's a picture of Anna and Gunnar:

So anyway, that's the most recent update. I do have an appointment with my midwife on Tuesday morning, and I guess we'll see then if those contractions last night did anything!

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