Thursday, May 17, 2007

27 week midwife visit

I got to do the 1-hour glucose screen today. It sucked. I don't care what "they" say, that orange stuff is VILE. I nearly threw up a couple of times drinking it. They did let me drink the glucola at home, which was good, since I could then spend part of the hour driving to my appointment rather than just sitting and waiting. I really, REALLY hope that I pass the stupid screen so that I don't have to go back and do the 3-hour test. They usually don't give you the results until your next appointment (strange -- I remember getting the results instantly when I was pregnant with Anna), but they said I could call Monday if I wanted to know sooner. Oh, and the place where they drew my blood has developed about a 4" long bruise that is all sorts of pretty shades of purple and blue. Lovely.

Other than that, everything was pretty boring. My blood pressure was 110/63, which was down a bit from last time -- not that it was bad before (I think it was about 130/80), but it was a little high for *me*, since my average bp usually runs somewhere in the 100-110/60 range. Weight was up 2 pounds. Baby was very active (who wouldn't be, after having all the sugar from the glucola?) and measuring right on target.

I now get to start going every 2 weeks. My next visit will include a Level II ultrasound to make sure the cyst has gone away and that there are no other abnormalities that could indicate something more serious.

I also asked my midwife when she generally gets concerned about breech/transverse babies. This one is definitely transverse right now -- all the kicks are either down low or on the sides -- but it's obviously too early to really be a concern at this point. She said she doesn't start worrying until full term (around 37 weeks), which is exactly what I wanted to hear! I love that she's so laid back about things like that. I've had some friends whose doctors scheduled them a c-section when their babies weren't in position at 30 weeks, which is just craziness because babies still have PLENTY of time/room to turn at that point. So anyway, Caroline has plenty of time to get into the correct position to make her appearance, though I have to say I'd welcome a break from all the bladder trampolining that she has seemed to enjoy over the last few months!

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