Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

I love Mother's Day! I love it that there's a day dedicated just to families. I spent yesterday with my little family, and it was just wonderful. Jimmy bought me some flowers Friday night, and they have been brightening up the kitchen ever since. I also got a great card with "coupons" for lots of different services, like a massage (which I'm sure will be MUCH needed!), a finished project (plenty of those to choose from!), a gourmet meal cooked by him complete with chocolate dessert ('nuff said!), etc. Anna made me a beautiful butterfly garden stake in preschool along with a card that made me cry when I read it. Here's the poem that was inside:

Dear Mother,

Please keep this butterfly always in your view
To remind you of the loving hands htat made it just for you.

When you look upon its beautifl wings,
I hope that you will see
That the butterfly is a symbol of our Lord
And also your love for me.

I am like the tiny caterpillar
From which a butterfly grows.
Someday I'll spread my wings
And off to the future I'll go.

But no matter who far or wide I soar,
You can be sure of one thing:
I'll always be grateful for your guidance and love,
And how you gave me my wings!

Isn't that just beautiful? We also had a lovely church service, and Jimmy and Anna took me Carrabba's for lunch. Yum! All in all, it was a really wonderful day!

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