Monday, May 21, 2007

Third Trimester -- Woo-hoo!

Today begins my 28th week of pregnancy, so I'm officially in the home stretch -- my third trimester!

I called today and got the results of my gestational diabetes screen, and it was normal. Because I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), one of the symptoms of which is insulin resistance, I was moderately concerned that the GD screen would come back high, and I'd have to take the 3-hour test. Fortunately, everything is fine, so I don't have to drink that horrible orange stuff again! I did find out that my iron is a bit low, which I pretty much expected. It was low when I was pregnant and breastfeeding Anna, and it fluctuates between normal and low even when I'm not pregnant. Anyway, they're calling in a prescription for an iron supplement, which should fix the problem.

In other news, I have been suffering a severe case of "placenta brain" over the last few weeks. I remember forgetting small things when I was pregnant with Anna. It was not at all uncommon for me to misplace my keys or store the ice cream in the oven or whatever. But this time I seem to be forgetting dates, times, and events at an alarming rate. Yesterday, Jimmy and I were supposed to sing for an evening church service. I was even reminded at church yesterday morning, and I STILL forgot to go! And I didn't even realize I forgot until our choir director called this afternoon to make sure I was okay and hadn't had an emergency or something. Fortunately, the music was covered, and everything worked out okay, but I still feel really bad for forgetting. Maybe I can blame the iron deficiency, LOL!

Unfortunately, I seem to remember that "baby brain" is even worse than "placenta brain" because apparently all of the brain cells that are not involved in subsistance (breathing, eating, waking up in the middle of the night, feeding, diapering) seem to fall out right behind the baby, and it takes a couple of years before they start to finally regenerate. So I guess I can expect to walk around in a baby-induced haze for at least another 2 years or so. Sigh.

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