Monday, May 14, 2007

27 weeks

Next week will begin my third trimester. Wow. A friend at church yesterday rubbed my belly and informed me that it felt like "a ripe melon". I told him that if he thumped me like a melon, I'd thump his melon right back!

Caroline is around 14.4 inches long and about 2 pounds this week. She's still moving CONSTANTLY, and she's managed a couple of acrobatic feats this week that have really taken me by surprise. For example, she has somehow managed to get a hand or foot over on top of the front of my hip bone on the right. I don't know how she does that, since that part of my hip bone is really nowhere near my uterus, but maybe she feels the need to stretch or something. It's pretty darned uncomfortable when she does it, though, so I'm hoping she'll flip soon! Of course, then I can look forward to little feet in my ribs and lungs, so maybe I should watch what I wish for!

I'm also starting to notice some of the alien bulges from the outside when she slides and kicks around. Very cool. She does still seem to be transverse, since I'm noticing the majority of her kicks down low and on the sides. I do get on all fours several times a day when I feel her moving around to encourage her to go head down, but it's still early days yet, so I'm not too worried at this point.

I see my midwife Thursday, and I'll do my glucose tolerance test then. Joy. I'm so NOT looking forward to drinking the evil orange stuff! But it's just five minutes out of my life, so I guess I can handle it. After this appointment, I'll start going every two weeks. The appointment two weeks from Thursday will be my level 2 ultrasound to make sure the cyst has resolved and everything is looking as it should. I'm both excited and nervous about it -- excited to get another peek at my girl, but a little nervous to find out whether the cyst is still there and/or whether there are other issues that might indicate something more serious.

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