Thursday, May 31, 2007

Yay for a healthy baby!

We had our follow-up ultrasound this morning. Everything looks great! The cyst has resolved completely, and everything else looks completely normal. Thank you all for your prayers over the last few months!

As usual, Caroline was moving all over the place during the ultrasound. The tech had trouble getting her to be still long enough to even get a heart rate! She's measuring right on for dates, and the ultrasound estimated her weight around 3 lb. 6 oz., which is pretty much exactly where she should be, as well. She's currently frank breech (that's butt first, for the uninitiated!), but I'm not worried about that at all. I know that she was head down for a day or so last week, and I've been able to follow her kicks all around my tummy. Sometimes she kicks my ribs, sometimes my sides, and sometimes down low, so she obviously still has plenty of room to move around! I'm supposed to continue spending some time every day on my hands and knees with my bum in the air to try to encourage her to turn. Not the most pleasant thing to do, but if it's the biggest sacrifice I ever have to make for this kid, I'll be doing pretty well, dontcha think?

Jimmy and I discussed our general ideas about the birth with Karen this morning as well. For those of you who don't know my basic childbirth philosophy, let's just say that pregnancy turns me in to a bona fide, flower-wearing, Kumbaya-singing hippie nutjob. I do still shower and shave my legs and pits, however; I'm not THAT earthy! But the bottom line is that I think childbirth generally doesn't have to be a hugely medicalized event, and I prefer to avoid drugs if at all possible. That's what drew me to a midwife rather than an OB, and I've been very pleased with my choice so far. Anyway, we talked to her today about the possibility of Jimmy helping to catch the baby, and she was all for it, assuming all is going normally up until that point. Obviously, he'll have her assistance, so it's not like he'll be flying solo or anything (yes there were some "Go long!" jokes in the elevator on the way out of the appointment, LOL!). He thought that Anna's birth was so amazing and awe inspiring that he's really excited about being able to take a more active role in delivering this baby!

So, there it is in a nutshell. I'll be going back in two weeks for another regular visit. No more peeking at Caroline until she's ready to come out! The tech gave us one final ultrasound picture of her -- a profile shot. She's getting so big that it was hard to get her whole profile in the shot, but I think she looks beautiful (admittedly, I might be a tad biased!). I'm also posting the picture we took of Anna holding the 30-week rubber fetus, which is just about the size of Caroline right now (give or take a week!).

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