Wednesday, February 14, 2007

14 weeks

Happy Valentine's Day!

This week, I am 14 weeks pregnant. Depending on which books you believe, the second trimester starts in either week 13 or 14, so I'm really, truly, officially in my second trimester now! My morning sickness has gotten MUCH better over the last couple of weeks. I'm still very picky about what I eat, and I never know what's going to work for me until I put it in my mouth, but I've drastically cut back on the medication I'm taking, and I'm just generally feeling much better. Jimmy offered to take me out sometime this week for Valentine's day, but I think we're going to wait on that until I can appreciate food a bit more.

I'm still feeling the baby move sporadically. I get an occasional thump or two that is definitely movement, but it's still nothing consistent. One thing that has started much earlier this time is what the experts call "round ligament pain". Basically, as things start to grow, the ligaments holding everything in place have to stretch. Sometimes, they stretch suddenly, like when I get up quickly from a sitting/squatting position. When this happens, it feels like someone has stabbed a knife into my side. Ouch! Fortunately, the pain rarely lasts for long, but it sure is a shock when it happens!

I have another midwife appointment next week. The appointments during this stage of pregnancy tend to be fairly boring: weight check, measure belly, listen to heartbeat, blood pressure, and go home. Hopefully we'll be able to hear the heartbeat with the Doppler this time, since the baby will be bigger. The appointment four weeks after that should be our *big* ultrasound, and we hope to be able to tell if our little pumpkin seed is a boy or a girl!

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