Tuesday, February 6, 2007

13 Weeks!

Well, today marks the beginning of my second trimester. Woo-hoo! My morning sickness has gotten progressively better over the last couple of weeks, though I'm still taking medication once a day or so to keep the nausea at bay. All in all, I lost 18 pounds at the beginning this time, but I've gained about 5 back since I've been eating and drinking regularly. That's pretty good, considering I lost 25 and ended up in the hospital when I was pregnant with Anna!

This morning, I felt a couple of pretty strong little thumps in my belly, right around the same place I've been feeling little taps over the last couple of weeks. Baby must be getting bigger and stronger in there! I'm still not really showing, but I've been wearing maternity pants for several weeks because they don't put pressure on my tummy, which tends to rebel against tighter clothing. We definitely do not want a rebellious tummy right now!

According to Babycenter.com, the baby is about the size of a jumbo shrimp this week -- about 3 inches from crown to rump -- and fully formed. So the next 27 weeks or so are all about growing. My chance of miscarriage also reduces drastically around this time, so that's definitely a relief!

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