Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Little Music Lover?

Tonight at choir practice, I got some of the best movement I've felt so far. Every time we stopped singing, I got a swift kick to my left side. Every single time! Not that this kid has a CHOICE but to at least appreciate music, with two singers for parents!

I'll be interested to see if this trend continues. Anna was the exact opposite, at least later on (I wasn't feeling movement this early in my first pregnancy). We'd walk into church, and she'd go nuts the minute the organ started playing and then get really quiet when it stopped. If I started singing, she would start rolling around and doing all sorts of alien acrobatics.

In other news, I wore a maternity shirt for the first time today. I've sort of "popped" over the last couple of days, but I'm still in that wonderful phase I lovingly refer to as, "Lady, you need to lay off the twinkies!" The maternity shirt definitely made me look more pregnant than tubby, which is a nice feature, but it still felt like overkill. At least maternity clothes have improved since I was pregnant with Anna. This shirt looks like a typical empire waist top (a little longer than average to cover the tummy, obviously), and I have several dresses that are very cute and trendy looking. A lot of the things I wore with Anna closely resembled tents, but with ruffles and the occasional bow. I'd like to strangle the idiot who decided that pregnant women (who are already "fluffy" enough on their own) needed clothing with lots of ruffles and bows.

More to come tomorrow. I have a midwife appointment, which should be good for at least a heartbeat and (hopefully) scheduling our big ultrasound. I can't wait to find out what "flavor" we're getting this time!

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