Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I love my chiropractor!

The hardest part of pregnancy for me (well, other than the morning sickness!) is sleeping on my side. I'm usually a back sleeper, and I have a really hard time getting comfortable on my side. I have a huge, U-shaped pillow that helps quite a bit. It's enormous and takes up as much space as a whole other person in our bed. I've named it George, and it's actually a vast improvement over the 9 or 10 pillows I used when I was pregnant with Anna, but it still just doesn't make it comfortable to sleep on my side, and I wake up stiff all the time!

So I went to see my chiropractor this morning. For a while, I was doing acupuncture for the morning sickness, too, but since the morning sickness is considerably better these days, I was able to forgo my usual needles. Those were getting really expensive because my insurance didn't cover them! Anyway, the doctor said he could tell that the side sleeping was getting to me, though. My hips were wonky, and he had to crack my neck three times to get all the kinks worked out!

So I got my adjustment, and now I feel great! I wish I had found out about the benefits of chiropractic during pregnancy when I was pregnant with Anna. It seems to make a huge difference, and I'm optimistic that it will help me have a shorter labor this time, since it will help keep my hips in alignment. After my 32-hour labor with Anna, I'll take any version of "shorter labor" that I can get!

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