Thursday, February 22, 2007

15 Week Midwife Visit

I saw my midwife this morning. It was a pretty boring appointment, which is just how I prefer them at this stage! Baby has obviously grown enough to make the anterior placenta a nonissue because she was able to find the heartbeat right away. It was 140ish, which is quite a bit lower than the 165ish we got last time on the ultrasound. I told her that I'd been feeling this baby move for quite a while already, and sure enough, Baby kicked the Doppler several times while she was getting the heart rate!

Blood pressure was good. Weight was good (up 5 pounds from last time, but considering I lost 18 pounds early on, that's not a bad thing). Measurements were good. She answered all of my questions about the hospital policies, newborn testing, and delivery procedures. Anna got to see the rubber fetuses (feti?) again and see how much the baby has grown since my last visit.

I'm going to sign Anna up for a sibling class at the hospital when we're closer to D-day. It will include information on how babies work (sleeping, eating, pooping, that sort of thing) as well as some basic information about what will happen when Mom goes to the hospital to have the baby.

We also set up my ultrasound appointment for March 22, exactly 4 weeks from today. I can't wait to get another peek at our little one and make sure everything looks as it should, anatomy wise. We're also hoping to find out the sex, so here's hoping for an immodest baby who will flash his/her bits!

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