Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Strange Dreams

It's a pretty well-known fact that pregnancy hormones can cause some pretty bizarre dreams. I haven't had many dreams so far this pregnancy, but I had a doozie last night.

I dreamt that I had my baby (no idea whether it was a boy or a girl -- so much for mother's intuition!), and then they took it away to do all the tests and stuff almost immediately. I'm not sure why I dreamt that because the hospital where I'll deliver never takes the baby out of your room and encourages breastfeeding in the first hour.

So after they took the baby, I was tired, so I went to sleep. I woke up and discovered I'd been asleep for a whole day, and I didn't know where my baby was! I was in a complete panic because I hadn't fed the baby yet. I kept pushing the nurse button, and no one came. Finally, my mom showed up (I'm not sure where Jimmy was all this time) and said she had seen the baby, and they fed it something. They didn't feed it formula -- it was some totally made up name of some other liquid food that had a lot of sugar in it -- and I started yelling at her that I couldn't believe she would let them feed that to my baby. She acted really surprised that I objected to it and told me I was overreacting. I kept crying that I wanted to nurse my baby, and she told me to settle down because the baby would be just fine without nursing. She also said it really wasn't necessary for me to see the baby before I took it home.

I have no idea where all this weirdness came from, but I woke up in an absolute panic because I couldn't find my baby. It was so bizarre, and very real!

So...there you go. Weird, bizarre pregnancy hormones at work. Too bad they couldn't at least tell me whether I'm having a boy or a girl!

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