Tuesday, August 14, 2007

40 week midwife appointment

Well, this one was MUCH more promising than the last one! I'm dilated 3 cm and 80% effaced. She said she doubted I'd go more than another day or two, so that's good news! She also declared the baby's head "very round and very low".

My midwife also answered a lot of my mom's questions and really put her mind at ease. Mom was pretty uncomfortable with the midwife idea at first, but I think going to my appointment with me today really helped. She said she really understood why I like my midwife, and she now feels a lot more comfortable with the fact that Karen is not going to just let me sit there and bleed to death in the name of "natural childbirth" if there's a complication or something.

After the appointment, we went walking in the mall (it's too dang hot to walk outside!), and I had some cramping and a couple of contractions, but nothing that seemed especially productive. So I'm still waiting, but at least I know some of the contractions I had last week did some good. I was dilated more this morning than I was after 16 hours of labor with Anna, and that can only be a good thing, right?

Hopefully, we'll get to meet our baby girl soon!

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