Monday, August 13, 2007

Still Pregnant

Just a quick update. With essentially one day until my due date, I am still very much pregnant and have absolutely no signs of impending labor. I went to the chiropractor this morning, and his assistant predicted that I'd have the baby "sometime in the next three days" based on some of the different movements I've been feeling, etc. I guess we'll see how good she is at predicting these things! Dr. Wolff also said it sounded like I was getting "close", but he didn't specify HOW close! I went ahead and scheduled my next chiro visit for next Monday. I hope that I will arrive at that appointment with a baby in my arms instead of in my tummy!

My mom and my mother-in-law are both here this week, watching me continue to be pregnant. I feel very much like the watched pot that never boils! But I do still feel good and have very few complaints, other than wanting to meet my baby girl.

I have a midwife appointment tomorrow morning. I'll update the blog again after that!

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