Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Stick a fork in me...

...I'm done! I'm seriously over being pregnant, and I'm ready to meet this little one!

Unfortunately, Caroline appears to be pretty comfy in my big, spandex uterus. I had a midwife appointment this morning (she's finally back -- woo-hoo!), and I'm still dilated "between 1 and 2ish cm". In other words, even after all those contractions Saturday night, no progress. Now, I do realize that some women go from not being dilated at all to having a baby 3 hours later, while others walk around 4 cm dilated for 6 weeks before delivering, so the dilation thing is not exactly an accurate indicator of how soon the baby will get here. Still, it would have been nice to see SOME difference after those contractions Saturday night! The one nugget of encouraging news is that Caroline is no longer floaty and bouncy, so her head is now low and pointed in the right direction. Head toward the light, Baby!

Other than that, the appointment was the typical, boring appointment. Blood pressure good, weight good, baby's heartbeat good, measuring right at 39 weeks. Jimmy got to watch Caroline run away from the Doppler this time, so that was fun.

Yesterday, I discovered one universal truth of pregnancy. If you wander into Wal-Mart 35 months pregnant, you will attract the attention of EVERY little old lady in the entire place. I have never answered so many questions in my life, and my GOODNESS, the number of belly touchers in that place was astounding! When I got home and told Jimmy about it, he offered to make me a sign for the next time I go out: Baby is due in a week. Yes, I'm ready to pop. It's a girl. Yes, I'm sure, even though your best friend's aunt's hairdresser carried JUST LIKE ME, and she had a boy. No, it's not twins. Yes, I'm certain. Yes, it sucks being pregnant in August. The baby's name is Caroline. No, she's not my first. No, my tummy is NOT public property! Yes, I'm aware that having sex might make me go into labor. No, it's none of your business whether or not I plan to try it tonight! Unfortunately, I think it would take a very large sign to fit all that information!

So, we continue to wait. I know that Caroline will come when she's ready, and I've asked my midwife not to discuss induction until I'm 2 weeks overdue, assuming Caroline and I are both doing well, but I reserve the right to be cranky about it if Caroline waits that long! I'm really hoping she'll decide to come out on her own before it comes to that.

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