Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Whoever coined the term "fashionably late"...

...was obviously not waiting for a baby to be born. There is nothing fashionable about having to go pee every five minutes. There is nothing fashionable about swollen feet (though I'll admit those have gotten better in the last week or two). There is nothing fashionable about outgrowing all your maternity clothes so that you have to wear the same pair of shorts every. single. day. And while midriff bearing is fine for the young and firm of abs, it is not really fashionable for the bottom of your (very pregnant) tummy to hang out the bottom of all your tops because even maternity tops are not long enough to cover it. I suppose I could just pierce my (currently very outie) belly button and call it a fashion statement. Or get a tattoo so that at least there would be something interesting for people to look at when my tummy enters the room a full 5 minutes before the rest of me. But alas, I think I will just have to suffer with my bare tummy and worn-out shorts for a while longer. At least my belly stays cool.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, as of midnight tonight, Caroline is officially late. I never thought that it would come to this. After all, I went into labor with Anna on my due date (though it took 32 hours of labor to get her here, so she was born a day "late"), and second babies are supposed to come faster than first, so I expected to at least be well on my way to birthing a baby about now. But here it is, 11:30 p.m. on my due date, and not so much as a twinge.

I've done what I can to gently encourage Caroline to come out, but she seems very comfortable in there. Tonight I had a nice long soak in the jacuzzi tub and a small glass of wine (shhhhh -- don't tell the Surgeon General -- besides, what I REALLY wanted was a margarita with dinner, but I managed to refrain), and while I do feel relaxed, I still don't feel any contractions. She does like to stretch around in there (which is becoming rather painful!), and I've been trying to convince her that she'll have more room to stretch on the OUTSIDE than she does on the inside. So far, she is not listening to me. Hopefully, this is not a preview of a generally stubborn disposition!

Sigh. I am so ready to meet this baby. What will she be like? Will she have as much hair as Anna did, or will she be bald like I was as a baby? What will her personality be like? Will she have my pointy Vulcan ear, or will she get normal ears like Jimmy's? I'm also just ready to be unpregnant. The cute little belly was fun for a while, but now it's neither cute nor little. I'm ready to start taking care of Caroline on the outside now instead of the inside.

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