Saturday, August 11, 2007


I just saw this article about a baby in England who was born the other day. He was 14 lb. 7 oz., and he was born vaginally! Holy smokes! I've heard of babies that big being born by c-section before (there was a 16 pounder a while back, from what I remember), but to have one naturally (and yes, the mother did it mostly without drugs -- she did have some laughing gas, which is available in England but not the U.S.) is practically unheard of. To see the article and a picture of this behemouth compared to an "average" newborn, click here.

Now, my chiropractor is predicting a "big" baby for me. My midwife has not weighed in on the subject. I've always expect one that's a bit larger than average. Anna was 8 pounds, so a 9 pounder wouldn't be out of the question for me. But I sure do hope Caroline isn't planning on cooking until she's 14 pounds!

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